#+TITLE: Physics experience #+SHORT-TITLE: Physics #+KEYWORDS: science #+DESCRIPTION: Physics: stagnation and literature #+BEGIN(menu):left [[toc][]] #+END * My articles - [[https://chalaev.com/files/thesis.pdf][Ph.D. thesis]] and [[https://chalaev.com/files/pthesis.pdf][its presentation]] - [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9zdm3gEAAAAJ&hl=ru&oi=ao][Google Scholar page]] * Stagnation in Physics - Sabine~Hossenfelder: [[http://nautil.us/blog/the-present-phase-of-stagnation-in-the-foundations-of-physics-is-not-normal][The Present Phase of Stagnation in the Foundations of Physics Is Not Normal]] - P.~Stallinga and I.~Khmelinskii: [[https://chalaev.com/files/2013.pdf][The state of science in 2013]] At the beginning of my research career in Physics I had a habit: every day I spent 20 minutes looking through the articles submitted to the electronic archive the day before. Since 2013 this became impossible: in 14 years the number of articles submitted to arXiv.org increased by eight(!) times. (It would grow even more but they introduced moderation and some people from non-US Universities complain that their articles are not accepted.) Physicists became more "productive": they write more articles than ever before. However, despite this "productivity" boost, Physics is stagnated. Most of modern scientific articles are pretty useless; in this sence they are similar to cancer cells that grow at the expense of the sane part of the body. * Education Some professions like Theoretical Physics or Programming can probably be learned without help of a teacher if a student chooses good text books. Since programming is relatively simple, very often one can distinguish bad text books from good ones even before learning the book's content. The situation with Physics is different: an unlucky student can try to learn from a bad textbook containing invalid proofs and even false statements. Even if a book is written by a famous scientist about well-established facts, you can not completely trust it. Our quantum mechanics professor (a nice person and truly good scientist) probably wanted to save his time and partially copied his lectures from the well known course of Landau and Lifschitz on Theoretical Physics. Among other things that I had to learn for the exam was the proof of the fact that orbital momentum may only take integer (for bosons) and semi-integer (for fermions) values (measured in units of Planck constant). I could not understand the proof, wasted time, finally realized that the proof was wrong, and made my own proof, which, however, could not exclude particles with mixed (both integer and semi-integer) values. The professor told me that for a truly rigid proof one has to learn Group Theory which I did not know at that time. Later I met other people complaining about Landau and Lifschitz course, which is not an example of a thorough work despite the fact that the authors are among top physicists of the XXth century. Below there is a list of my favorite text books. Most of them are available online so no matter how poor you are you can still learn Theoretical Physics if you have time and internet connection. List of my favorite textbooks and reviews on physics and mathematics To be updated, corrected, ordered and formatted... * Undergraduate physics 1. Ashcroft and Mermin, Physics of Solid State 2. A. Harrison, Solid state theory, 1970. 3. Galitsky, Karnakov, Kogan. QM problems for students. 4. D. Mattuck. A guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem. McGraw-Hill, London, 1976. 5. Blum, Theory of density matrix and its applications, 1981, Plenum Press, New York. 6. Alexander Atland and Ben Simons. Concepts of theoretical solid state physics. 2001. * Advanced mathematics for physicists 1. Robert Hermann. Cartanian geometry, nonlinear waves, and control theory.. Math Science Pr, 1980. 2. P. Diaconis. Group Representations in Probability and Statistics. IoMS, 1988. 3. B. N. Zakhariev and V. M. Chabanov, Submissive quantum mechanics. 4. Varshalovich, Moskalev, Hersonsky Quantum theory of the angular momenta. 5. L. C. Biedenharn, J. D. Louck, Angular momentum in quantum physics, 1981. * Advanced Physics of Solid State 1. V. L. Bonch-Bruevich and S. V. Tyablikov, The Green function method in statistical mechanics 2. A. A. Abrikosov Fundamentals of the Theory of Metals. 3. E. N. Economou. Green's functions in quantum physics. Berlin, 1983. 4. Gilles Montambaux. Coherence and interactions in diffusive systems. originally – condmat/0611574 5. G. Bergmann. Weak localization in thin-films – a time-of-flight experiment with conduction electrons. Physics Reports, 107(1):1–58, 1984. 6. A. G. Aronov and Yu. V. Sharvin. Magnetic flux effects in disordered conductors. Rev. Mod. Phys., 59(3):755 – 779, Jul 1987. 7. Thomas Dittrich, Peter Hänggi, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Bernard Kramer, Gerd Schön, and Wilhelm Zwerger. Quantum Transport and Dissipation. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998. 8. Y. M. Galperin. Introduction to Modern Solid State Physics. the latest version is available on the web 9. Boris L. Altshuler and A. G. Aronov. Electron-electron interaction in disordered systems. In A. L. Efros and M. Pollak, editors, Electron-electron interaction in disordered conductors. Elsevier, 1985. 10. John H. Davies. The physics of low-dimensional Semiconductors. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997. 11. Igor V. Lerner. Nonlinear sigma model for normal and superconducting systems: A pedestrian approach. condmat/0307471. 12. Jørgen Rammer and H. Smith. Quantum field theoretical methods in transport theory of metals. Rev. Mod. Phys., 58:323, 1986. 13. J. E. G. Farina. Quantum theory of scattering processes. Pergamon Press, 1973. 14. Alex Kamenev. Keldysh and {D}oi-{P}eliti techniques for out-of-equilibrium systems. condmat/0109316. 15. Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg. Introduction to Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics. 2 edition, 2002. 16. J. M. Ziman. Principles of the theory of solids. 17. Erick Akkermans and Gilles Montambaux. Mesoscopic Physics of Electrons and Phonons. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007. 18. J. M. Ziman. Electrons and Phonons. The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids. The int. series of monographs on physics. Изд. ин. лит-ры., 1962. 19. Alex Kamenev. Many-body theory of non-equilibrium systems. condmat/0412296. 20. John W. Negele and Henri Orland. Quantum Many-Particle Systems. Adelison-Wesley, 1998. 21. Alex Kamenev and Anton Andreev. Electron-electron interactions in disordered metals: Keldysh formalism. Phys. Rev. B, 60:2218 – 2238, 1998. condmat/9810191 22. Y. Oreg, P. W. Brouwer, X. Waintal, and Bertrand I. Halperin. Spin, spin-orbit, and electron-electron interactions in mesoscopic systems. In F. Peeters T. Chakraborty and U. Sivan, editors, Nano-Physics and Bio-Electronics. Elsevier. condmat/0109541. 23. Jørgen Rammer. Quantum transport theory. Perseus books, Reading, Massachusets, 1988. 24. Weng W. Chow and Stephan W. Koch. Semiconductor laser fundamentals. Springer, 1999. 25. Ronald Winkler. Spin-Orbit Effects in Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Systems. Springer, 2003. 26. E. J. Hinch. Perturbation Methods. Cambridge University Press, 1995. 27. Claude Itzykson and Jean-Bernard Zuber, Quantum Field Theory. 28. Zyun Francis Ezawa. Quantum Hall Effects. World Scientific, 2000. 29. Yoseph Imry and Rolf Landauer. Conductance viewed as transmission. Rev. Mod. Phys., 71(2):S306–S312, 1999. 30. J. M. Ziman. Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory. Cambridge, 1969. 31. A. Messiah. Quantum Mechanics, 1958. 32. Jean Zinn-Justin. Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena. Clarendon Press, 3 edition, 1996. 33. Leo P. Kadanoff and Gordon Baym, Quantum statistical mechanics. Green's function Methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium problems, 1988. 34. Alexander L. Fetter and John Dirk Walecka. Quantum theory of many-particle systems. McGraw-Hill, San Francisco, 1971. 35. Supriyo Datta. Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems. Cambridge uni. press, 1997. 36. Barry R. Holstein. Topics in advanced quantum mechanics. Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, Calif., 1992.